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Education Assessment System® (EAS) is higher education's answer to moving more students into the enrollment pipeline - a faster, cheaper, and bias-aware approach to Prior Learning Assessment (PLA), also known as Credit for Prior Learning (CPL).  


By using technology to do a primary assessment of an applicants' experiences and determining credit equivalencies, EAS reduces the time and staff needed to provide prospective students insight into how many credits and the amount of time they will need to earn a credential. 

An Intersection of Challenges

37M People


of the workforce

has some college credit,

but no degree



Unemployment rates of non-degreed workers

 compared with degreed workers

Colleges & Universities


of students are 25+ yo

due to demographic changes



of students bring some 

work experience or alternative credentialing 


Evaluating prior learning is
expensive & time consuming 



experienced and credentialed employees


CEOs report impacts of skills gaps:



lost product development opportunities



missed growth opportunities



lost profit

Why EAS?

Because all learning matters!

There are too many students with unrecognized and nontransferable credit. And so many students who want to be successful - and could be - if only the concepts they learned at work or in a certification program were recognized by our institutions of higher education. We are on the inside and know that the only thing currently in the way is an administrative cost, faculty time, and academic ego.

We believe in the application of AI in the review of prior learning assessment to save faculty time and reduce any perception of bias.  It will in turn provide more credit to students and reduce the time and cost to complete a college degree.



  • User-friendly interface digests prior learning and work experiences.

  • Machine-Learning algorithm holistically evaluates learning and identifies links to college-level learning.

  • A digital report and outcome map is generated for review by expert faculty to accept, reject, or seek more information.

  • The EAS application consumes faculty review and produces a report of PLA credit for the consumption of the Registrar or Records office.

  • The EAS application gets smarter over time and relies less on expert faculty - becoming more efficient; students, employers, and institutions can receive a copy of the record; API & LTI integrations are possible.

DNA hologram with businessman working on

About Us

We believe that everyone can win - students, institutions, and employers - by streamlining Prior Learning Assessment to lower the costs, reduce the evaluation time, and control for biases
that are currently plaguing the system. 

Get in Touch

If you would like to be in the beta or you want to learn more about how to partner with EAS, we’d love to hear from you. Reach out today.

We will be in touch shortly!

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